Poor, poor Georg and Co. They raised 30M in VC money not so long ago and now they are asking for a subscription model? Seriously??? They single-handedly made a great art app into a mediocre note taking app and totally ignored the outcry of their long time users. Perhaps they should downsize their fancy schmanzy NYC loft digs if they are hurting that bad. The Paper53 crowd obviously lives in their little microcosm and doesnt realize that some wonderful artists have left Paper 53 in the dust. They instead have turned to the stellar Procreate and Tayasui Sketches (which continues to upgrade and support their artist users). Paper53s calligraphy brush they messed with and it does not perform like the the old one, no matter what the hipster 53 coders say. They refused to offer a classic 53 and never responded to their original users(who paid for every.single.offering) when they begged for a simpler app. I dont feel sorry for poor 53. How they hell did they manage to burn through 30m+++ when they havent improved or offered any decent upgrades? This is mediocre app is a shell of what it was. They are incredibly out of touch with their user base. Even the Tumblr site is stale. Other apps (like the aforementioned Procreate) dont beg their users for more money. This is so ridiculous. What is the cost to maintain?? You havent given us anything for a long, long time except to turn this into another note-taking app. Good grief. Cut back your overhead. You certainly arent putting any creativity into Paper.